§ 42-18. Oil heating burner controls.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Burners shall be equipped with a device, mechanical or electrical, which will automatically prevent an abnormal flow of oil.
    All oil burners subject to automatic ignition must be provided with a permanent, automatic ignition device so designed that oil discharged into the combustion chamber will immediately become ignited or shut off.
    Automatic systems, unless electrically ignited, shall be so designed that the pilot flame cannot be extinguished by the operation of the automatic control valves. A pilot light of adequate intensity, arranged so as not to be easily extinguished, shall be provided in each combustion chamber.
    All fuel-oil burners used in connection with hot-water, steam or warm-air heating boilers or furnaces shall be equipped with an automatic device arranged to extinguish the flame in the event of excessive pressure or overheating within the boiler or furnace.
    All low-pressure steam or vapor boilers shall be equipped with a low water cutoff and a cutout switch as approved by the Underwriters Laboratories and must have an adequate draw valve.
    A remote-control switch shall be placed as designated for each installation by the Plumbing Inspector of the Town of Rye.
    Gas or coal hot-water heating devices shall be adequately vented by direct connection to the chimney flue leading to the outer air.
    No fuel-oil burner shall be installed in any boiler or heater unless said boiler or heater is connected with a chimney flue having a sufficient draft at all times to insure the safe operation of the burner.
    Electrical installation used in connection with fuel-oil burners shall be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code.