§ 42-20. Installation.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No fuel-oil system shall be installed until an application shall have been filed with the Plumbing Inspector of the Town of Rye.
    Where a replacement of another oil burner is made, application must be made as if the installation were a new one.
    No alteration or repair in an existing fuel-oil plant for which a permit has been issued shall be made without inspection and approval by the Plumbing Inspector of the Town of Rye.
    No fuel-oil system shall be operated, or oil placed in the system, until a permit has been issued by the Plumbing Inspector of the Town of Rye.
    Dampers which may entirely close the chimney uptake are prohibited. The damper area should be carefully determined in each case, but in no case shall it be greater than 70% of the internal cross-section area of the uptake.
    Lugs on all furnace doors, acting to keep doors closed, must be filed so as to permit a rounded edge. This is to enable the door to swing open and ride free in case of puffs caused by backfire or delayed ignition. All furnace doors must be equipped with a spring so as to make them self-closing. All boiler rooms must be properly ventilated to the outside by windows, air conduits or other means.
    No combustible material shall be stored in the same compartment with the oil burner. This is applicable to those cellars under hardware, paint and similar stores which are used as a storeroom for combustible materials. A separate fire-proof room, equipped with a fire door, shall be constructed in such places to house the oil burner. The fire door is to be equipped so that it is self-closing.
    The keeping of oil drums or tanks on porches or inside the building above the main floor is prohibited.