§ 42-24. Service or filling stations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    A service or filling station shall be any place used for retailing, storing or dispensing for private consumption or use of gasoline, oils and lubricants.
    Storage tanks shall be placed below grade not less than two feet. If it is impossible to install the tank two feet below grade, it may be buried under 12 inches of earth, in which event a reinforced concrete slab at least five inches in thickness must cover the tank extending one foot beyond the outline of the tank in all directions.
    Tanks of six-hundred-gallon capacity, or less, shall not be placed nearer than five feet to any building. One additional foot shall be added to this limitation for each 100 gallons, or major fraction thereof, capacity in excess of 600 gallons.
    All tanks shall be constructed of open-hearth steel or wrought iron. Every tank shall be required to withstand at least five pounds pressure after installation.
    Every tank shall be thoroughly coated on the outside with tar-asphaltum or other suitable rust-resisting material.
    Every tank shall have a vent pipe not less than two inches in diameter. Every vent pipe shall have a weatherproof hood and shall terminate outside of the building 12 feet above the top of the fill pipe and not less than three feet, measured horizontally or vertically from any window or other building opening.
    All gasoline gauging or venting devices shall be of approved Fire Underwriters' type and substantially secured to concrete or masonry foundations which shall be suitably located and of proper design and dimensions.
    All electric wiring, including electrically operated pumps, shall conform with the New York Board of Fire Underwriters and the Electrical Code of the Town of Rye.
    Driveways and other areas where gasoline is unloaded or dispensed shall be graded or drained so that flammable liquids cannot accumulate on the surface.
    On a graded driveway, raised door sills shall be provided to prevent gasoline spills from flowing into the interior of the station building.
    All tank drums or systems which operate under pressure for the storage or dispensing of flammable liquids shall be prohibited.
    "No Smoking" signs and "Stop Motor while Filling" signs shall be prominently posted.
    Every service or filling station must be equipped with at least one fire extinguisher of a suitable type, located where the same shall be readily accessible.